Friday, October 25, 2013

Thank You!

Thank you for a great football season! 
  • Thank you to Stacy for organizing our senior recognition!  It was wonderful to see our senior dancers and parents acknowledged.  
  • Thank you, seniors: Megan (4 years), Anna (3 years), Colby (2 years), Clare (2 years) and Maggie (2 years) for your wonderful contribution to our program!  We love you!
  • Thank you to Patty and the Football Boosters for the wonderful recognition of all of our dancers at the end of the game.  What an honor!
  • Thank you for all of the stadium cleaning!  What a great fundraiser, but I know that it is no fun.
  • Thank you for the hard work and dedication, dancers, as you presented great half-time performances!
It is an honor and a privilege to work with such wonderful athletes and families!